Welcome to Celiac Society Rajasthan
Tabadala-E- Khayal

If you do that it will be your good self expression of gratitude to God and Society for all the good time you are having. And as a doctor it will be an another milestone when you made a patient cheerful and alert without using any medicines.
It is a fact - that many health professional do not suspect the disease Celiac on 1st inspection as a result of the same most of the Celiac remains un-diagnosed and unreported. That is how the need of Celiac Society Rajasthan was felt. It is planned to work as Gold Mine of useful information and goodies of gluten free preparation which a victim of Celiac needs for rest of life.
Rajasthan known for its various colors, known for its warriorship & never to loose battle until you die. So why to loose the battle against Celiac Disease. Our purpose is that all the celiac patients must lead a normal life . Yes!, They can!!! Only the thing they need proper attention and proper education and for this they have to strengthen their own society - Celiac Society.
A Special thanks to Ms Ishi Khosla Delhi, the lady behind the motivational work. Last but not the least, people with celiac disease/diabetics will have a purpose to celebrate . . .