Celiac society Rajasthan has been registered on 16 June 2011 by Rajasthan Govt. (Regd.No.255/JPR/2011-12)
AVAILABLE - EZ Gluten test Strips: An easy to use home test that is 99% accurate in detecting the presence of gluten in foods to levels as low as 10 ppm

Dietary System

Energize The Life again:

Celiac Society Rajasthan has gone through various studies and interacted with many patients and shocked as well as surprised beyond believed that after early diagnosis and confirmed case patient had fed only rice and maize or merely using home made gluten free flour its responsibilities has become squarer in fact. Celiac Society Rajasthan has privilege to inform you that following options are available with adequate labeling most of them are timely tested in govt. approved labs There you can have plenty "anything", " everything"," Desi" or "videshi" gluten free preparation



Recommendation V/s Non-Recommendations:

Know about what to be give and what not to be given to a celiac patient.



Indian Gluten Free Recipes of the Month (July 2011):

Read the complete gluten free recipe of the month by Anjali Phatak, Clinical Nutrionist, Fortis Hospital, Jaipur.


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