Celiac Society Rajasthan has gone through various studies and interacted with many patients and shocked as well as surprised beyond believed that after early diagnosis and confirmed case patient had fed only rice and maize or merely using home made gluten free flour, there its responsibilities has become squarer, in fact, Celiac Society Rajasthan has privilege to inform you that following options are available with adequate labeling most of them are timely tested in govt. approved labs. There you can have plenty "anything", "everything", "Desi" or "Videshi" gluten free preparation.

M/s. Whole Foods
47 Community Centre, New Friends Colony, New Delhi-1100065,
Tel.No.: +91- 1126820701 , 9910233615
Mrs. Kalpana Garg
5 Jha 22, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur 3020049,
Email: Kalpanaceliacfoods@hotmail.com,
Cell : 91-1412651100
M/s. Anmolpreet Food Products
22267-A, Chander Naga,r St. No.2, Bajwa Colony,
Opp. Civil City, Ludhiana
Tel.: 91-161-2302891405,
Email.: info@anmolpreeetfood.com
M/s. Tanmaeh Foods
C-73, Focal Point, Patiala (Punjab) 147004
Tel: 0175-2232273, 3290444
Cell: 098154-49000
Email: wheafree@wheafree.com
Empire Store:
No.10, Sec.-17 E, Chandigarh
Health Shoppe :
120, Deshapran Sasmai Road, Kolkata-33, New Delhi-110016 , Tel.: 033-24224567
LE Marche:
SG-105, DLF Galleria, Phase IV, Gurgaon
Dr Morepen Tango:
6, Lawrence Road, Amritsar, Phone:183-5095000
For more address contact Celiac Society Rajasthan.